I document my coding journey through my Blogs. I write technical and non-technical blogs about concepts I learned that help in learning web development

3. Arrow functions in JavaScript

9 December 2020

Arrow functions are a short way to define a function in JavaScript. They can be written quickly and make the code look cleaner and easier to understand.

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2. The skill of doing research online

30 November 2020

The ability to dig through the internet and find the hidden gold of information is a skill which when mastered can pay off tremendously. The patience to read through the threads, forums, articles and getting deep into a topic chasing its origins is a skill which comes in time and if mastered can help in learning any skill...

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1. Learn Markdown in under 10 mins

29 November 2020

Learning Markdown is simple yet a very handy tool for a developer. A well written, neatly presented README can definitely make a Github repo stand out and can be beneficial to a developer . It is very simple and can be learned in a short time...

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